• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Hes a dancing monkey that brings in tons of ratings, viewership, and revenue.

    So media has a vested financial interest in giving him tons of coverage, especially soft coverage, to get eyes on products. Its also why they have a vested interest in his winning, and are doing everything they can (including a mass hysterical hallucination that Biden was somehow old and incompetent due to having jet lag after a whirlwind 3 day international political trip) to ensure trump remains favorable in the eyes of people who wouldnt vote for him if they got the 100% unfiltered coverage about him.

    Thats the biggest issue.

    There are other issues, of course, helping this along (and benefiting from the above mentioned media bias) are things like the fact that he is a foreign puppet being manipulated by Putin mostly, and by others less so. Which is why they, especially russia, has invested so much money into the NRA, Republican Packs, and most recently, internet jackwads that balding beanie wearing fuckstick and his ilk. To have a chorus of mouth pieces pushing false news and pro-russian narratives, to undermine our democracy and reduce to outright eliminate our presence on the global stage as a bulwark against countries like Russia.

    You also have petty powermongers at home that are sounding his call for dictatorial power so they can get their own petty feifdoms.

    And the billionaire conservatives who want the world to be a festering cesspit of poverty so they can sleep on their mountains of gold… and are using the media they control to further their goals, by lifting trump up and knocking everyone else down.

    and finally, you have the lowest strata, his voters, Most of which vote for him because they want their women to be property, and their non-white neighbors to be property too. and they don’t care how deep into hell everything goes as long as they can be racist twats who don’t have to self censor and are free of repercussions for their twattery.

    Theres more minutae to it, and several other layers and strata, but this is kinda the general broad strokes.

  • Yep.

    They genuinely took everything that made people love their previous games, and removed it.

    They replaced hand crafted with random generation.

    They replaced rewarding exploration with vast empty landscapes peppered with repetative, boring duplicated PoIs.

    and they replaced interesting dungeons with literally a handful of pregenerated ones that get plopped and replopped over and over again.

    and it all builds up to…what? finding artifacts that give you totally-not-space-magic, with the same boring FMV every time, almost all the spells of which are generally useless… and an ending thats just a NG+ with very mild changes for the first few times you do it.

    and do it you must, because you are expected by them to beat the game at least…what was it? 10? 20? times? to get the best suit and ship.

    but you must do it on the same character, because you’re not allowed to change your perks, stats, or anything, to make it even remotely more interesting.

  • Land vehicles are just a haphazard stopgap fix for their incredibly poor design. Remember, Todd Howard was proud that the planets are impractically empty and big. He is proud of you having to spend 20 minutes to walk, with nothing at all in between, to destinations far away for no other reason than to scan the same anomaly you’ve seen 360 times before, or to encounger a PoI that you’ve explored 827 times before.

    They forget that people like to walk and explore in Fallout, Oblivion, and Skyrim, only because the worlds are hand crafted, lush, and full of nooks and crannies full of interesting things.

    Starfield is bland, empty, with only a handful of prefabbed locations that randomly spawn, that are the same down to the placement of debris every. single. time. you. encounter. them.