some guy… somewhere

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 18th, 2024


  • It’s laughable that universities host sports teams, especially with handegg where they’re essentially the NFL’s farm league. Shows how much (zero) we give a shit about actual education in this fucking country. 99.9999% of college “education” is just like grade school education anyway: spending way too much time on irrelevant subjects (teach the whole curriculum in elementary school, but past that, teach what the student needs to know for his field of study and that’s it), and sadly, having most of it be bullshit rote memorization that the student spits out for the test and then forgets it forever. Engage the student, have him learn things intuitively, give examinations that allow for the full range of what we can do as adults (reference materials, internet, other people, etc – THIS IS NOT CHEATING, THIS IS USING KNOWLEDGE AVAILABLE!) that actually shows what the person is capable of and whether or not they can apply what they learned and what they find out on their own.

    No wonder we’re so fucked as a society.

  • Too late to change the system now if you play the voting game. Elect Biden and the rest of the Democrats who will NOT turn the USA into a fascist state in the next four years, THEN start enacting real change to put a genuine Left candidate in that will actually push this country forward when they’re elected in four years.

    If you want to play the voting game, that’s how you play. The only other alternative is revolution and enable the “alter or abolish” option right the fuck now.

    Make your choice of those two things. The “lol, I won’t vote” or “gonna vote Trump anyway” “option” is just alt-right Trumpery disguised as being concerned about a second Biden presidency for any reason.

  • Republicans are “fuck everyone but the insanely wealthy”. Democrats are “give a crumb to everyone and everything else to the insanely wealthy”. Voting Democrat is the only real option we have in this country against a “side” that wants to destroy everything America is about, but it’s still voting for a bunch of scumbags who are just going to vote for the same thing that maybe isn’t quite as absolutely devastating to every single person who makes under a billion dollars in this country but still doesn’t help nearly enough.

    Alter or abolish. Voting is useless.

  • The ACA turned my insurance from affordable to “yeah, you’re not going to be able to afford health care now, and no, you don’t qualify for cheap health care because of your situation.” Fuck the ACA and fuck the appeasement bullshit. Every single fucking citizen of this rich as goddamn fuck country should have free/very affordable health care like the rest of the goddamn civilized world. There’s no goddamn excuse any more and anyone praising the fucking ACA can go to hell.

  • OT lightsaber fights looked like people who practiced the idea of “less is more” combat and knew pointless flailing and twirling around was useless against a similarly skilled opponent. This MADE SENSE. Everyone in the prequels flipping around and going nuts with the lightsabers and all that – it was laughable. Even Luke in the OT who wasn’t as skilled as some of the so-called “masters” from the prequels used at least some restraint and thought when fighting.

    The prequels are garbage and I’m sick of people who think they’re good just because we made memes out of them.